Who's working from home? Who's working from home while homeschooling their children? 'Nough said. These days are not easy. Moms are overworked, exhausted and at their witts end. 🤦🏼♀️ My kids have been e-learning for 10 weeks now. That's about 9 weeks too long. I was not cut out for this.

In addition to my day job as a writer, I am now answering questions about grammar, helping solve math problems, and acting as the lunch lady twice a day. Oh, and don't forget about Mah Jongg Wipes.🀆🀏 My small business may not be getting the time it deserves, but it's still going strong 💪🏻 and I can't wait to be able to give it 110% again. With Thanksgiving coming, Black Friday deals, and of course, Hanukkah shortly thereafter, there is so much to look forward to. I can't wait to get these guys back to their brick and mortar elementary school on Monday so I can get down to business!